Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yosemite entrance

Yosemite entrance
Originally uploaded by rohit_ka
If the entrance was picturesque.... Yosemite was mind boggling!! I could'nt help but stop the car, get out and take this photo. I got to do only the valley tour. But, the winter and the snow covered meadow was "blanco paradiso".

Friday, July 18, 2008

An ode....

Traveling helps me view this world like a Kaleidoscope, different patterns from the same basic elements. Every journey to me is a new enlightenment that I shall carry with me on my future endeavors and ventures. Sometimes those minuscule but yet fascinating moments of my journey are lost on reaching my destination. To recreate those moments I revisit those places and try to relive the moments, only to find that although the world rotates in the same axis, it always seems to alter those elements to make my journey ever more unique and fascinating. I shall never cease to travel just to keep this never ending river of fascination flowing through the life of my ordinary.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Traveling back in time......

Traveling by train is one of the best ways of travel in India. Although the comfort and the appeal of these trains are Victorian, it presents a unique experience giving a glimpse into India’s vast cultural and social diversity. I have been through multiple good and bad experiences on the train that will be ingrained in my memory forever. The eunuchs and shoe thieves on my travel to the North of India, to the persistent hawkers and platform vendors in the South present a few of my unforgettable experiences.
For an expat Indian like me who spent the better part of adulthood in the United States, it is intriguing of how inquisitive and extremely amicable my fellow passengers were to me. My digital SLR (a commonality to the Western tourist) gave me the label of a professional photographer and with it suggestions for a good picture. I did take their suggestion and wasn’t disappointed. There are obvious challenges in travelling in the second class compartment or even by train. If you pick a hot summer day to plan your travel, you will be sweating profusely throughout the trip. Indian rail is for the adventurous and not for a typical tourist.
If you are willing to make the tradeoff for comfort, you can enjoy India’s vastness and the different cities through which these trains dissect through. The green fields, mountains, thick wooded forests, colorful cities and crowded stations provide a photographer 15 second view of 1000 odd unique possibilities.
If you make your travel plans to have a train journey, the Konkan rail, Darjeeling or Ooty toy trains present a very scenic experience. If you just there for the thrill and joy of riding the train, a day journey to any destination will suffice.